< Exhibitions
Tools of alterities
Jan 12, 2024 - Feb 17, 2024
Tools of Alterities is the first solo show in the gallery by the French artist duo mountaincutters. They are frequently invited to show their work at biennials and art centres, of which the most recent examples in 2023 are the Kyiv Biennial held in Vienna and a major solo exhibition at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris. Over the years, mountaincutters developed a singular grammar defined by references to nature (the landscape, the geological) and ancestrally repeated artistic and hand-crafted gestures (feminine or masculine: the glassmaker’s breath, the ceramist’s modelling, the metalworker’s bending, the welder’s soldering, the foundryman’s casting, ...). This last idea is echoed in the title Tools: tools as artefacts that enable humans to extend their bodies, but also tools that are intellectual or philosophical (like language, for example). Alterities conjures up both otherness - the notion of the other -, and the verb to alter - to damage, to modify the nature of something. Behind this title, Tools of Alterities, visitors can perceive the aesthetic of transformation that runs through the collective’s practice: transformation of materials, but also transformation of the human being, from its origins to the present day. From the Venus de Lespugue, recreated here in coloured glass and clinging to what seems to be an original gangue, to the bronze hands that speak of humans locked up in ceaseless - internal or external - conflicts.

Whether it’s a memory of human activities (art, industry) or a memory of gestures, there’s a desire to veil and reveal what makes sense in order to understand - or at least to question - our origins and the challenges we face. If we look closely, we see hollows, open hands, sketched lines, happy accidents that confront us with the idea of incompleteness. Faced with the work of mountaincutters, we come to ask ourselves “what is a finished thing?”. In our capitalist societies, we talk about “finished” products. The artists focus more on the process than the result, showing us that vagueness, vulnerability, chance and doubt are the very essence of life. So it’s hardly surprising that a series of their works is entitled Objets incomplets. This underlines the impermanence of all things and the continuous evolution of the living and the non-living.

Living things (and the environment) are inevitably called upon to transform and decline before finding a new form. There is a certain analogy between the practice of mountaincutters and the studies of the anthropologist Philippe Descola, who dismantles the anthropocentric view of an “environment that societies must shape in order to acquire an identity and a historical destiny”. The idea is rather to conceive of the interdependence of humans with the environment and in a broader sense of the living with the non-living. For instance, to conceptually integrate a mountain as a member of a collective, to understand that everything is a question of balance, of shared energy and that there are roots common to a group of humans and non-humans.

This anthropological aspect of the work seems just as relevant as certain artistic references (Arte Povera, Joseph Beuys, Ana Mendieta) that emerge through the use of physical forces or properties (magnetism, conduction), of industrial or natural elements with specific properties (copper, steel, brass, but also kapok - known as plant wool - kakishibu, etc.), the relationship between craft and industry, or references to the genius of living organisms (bees, pollen, algae, fruit), etc.

Beyond the formal issues, a strong literary and poetic component runs through the entire work. Admittedly, its presence is more subtle, but it is nonetheless pervasive. Some of the works also generate a possible political reading, such as Objet de lutte et de travail (Object of struggle and work). This vertical sculpture, which counterbalances the recurring horizontality of other groups of works, questions the nature of the hand gesture: is it harvesting, offering or intertwining wrists? Through this powerful work, visitors will be able to ponder the poetics of resistance that underlie the entire body of work. By constantly searching for points of tension, fusion and pressure in the materials, mountaincutters bring us to the threshold of a place that seems in constant equilibrium.

Exhibited works

Etude d'un doute (Mains positives)
Etude d'un doute (Une aurore boréale)
Etude d'un doute (Avec du pollen butiné)
Etude d'un doute (Faire advenir les mondes)
Etude d'un doute (Cartes mensuelles du ciel)
Objet incomplet (morphologies souterraines)
Objet incomplet (Morphologie souterraine)
Objet incomplet (Ctrl c respiration)
Vénus incomplète
Heures teintées (Se tenir sur un sol éveillé)
Heures teintées (Paléo-compassion)
Le sens du sol
Supplique pour le beau temps (Archives)
Heures teintées (Création des êtres organisés)
Heures teintées (Fertilités respectives)
Vénus incomplète
Objets de lutte et de travail
Accueillir la condition terrestre
Accueillir la condition terrestre
Accueillir la condition terrestre
Accueillir la condition terrestre
Accueillir la condition terrestre
Objets incomplets (Les indices de la respiration primitive)
Heures teintées (Déformation du disque solaire)
Programme poétique
programme poétique
Programme poétique
Programme poétique
Programme poétique
Programme poétique
Programme poétique
Programme poétique
Objet incomplet (Les indices de la respiration primitive)